I was setting up a party but I had to bury a friends daughters body. I was digging the hole. Her body was grey and monster like and bald almost alien like slightly pointy head. Maybe like 11 from stranger things. She was in a opaque body bag like I couldnt see her clearly but I could see well enough. The body was lying to my right side. I got to the part of putting the body in the hole and looked for Rory to help me. Like I was frustrated that he wasn’t just there helping me and I had to even look for him. Then guests were coming and seeing the food table behind the table I had set up for digging the hole. Emily came to help and Rory and I told them to move the food tables away so ppl would stay away from my table bc ppl were coming up like je I was selling something on it. I was reminded of the grave of my friend’s baby in England. The graves had the little bump in the center where the body is. I dug the grave deep for the bottom half of the body and then it wasn’t Deep enough for top half of the body but I had the sudden urge I had to bury it now and then realized I didn’t think I was emotionally capable of doing it, at least not alone, which is when I looked for Rory to help. I thought why isn’t he here already why do I have to summon him
This dream appears to be quite complex and may contain multiple symbolic elements that represent different aspects of your inner thoughts and emotions.
The act of setting up a party juxtaposed with the task of burying a friend's daughter's body may indicate conflicting emotions within you. Planning a party typically symbolizes celebration, joy, and social interactions, while burying a body often symbolizes feelings of loss, grief, and unresolved emotions.
The description of the girl's body as grey, monster-like, and alien-like with a slightly pointy head similar to Eleven from "Stranger Things" may symbolize feelings of fear, unease, or unknown aspects of yourself or your relationships. The fact that you had to bury this body may suggest that you are trying to hide or suppress certain emotions or memories.
The frustration you feel in the dream when looking for Rory to help you bury the body could indicate a desire for support or assistance in coping with difficult emotions or situations in your waking life. This could suggest that you are feeling overwhelmed or burdened by certain responsibilities or challenges.
The presence of guests coming to the party and the need to move the food tables away from the burial site may represent a fear of others seeing or judging your inner struggles or vulnerabilities. It may also point to a desire to keep your emotions concealed or hidden from those around you.
The reference to the graves of your friend's baby in England may evoke feelings of grief, loss, or past experiences that still weigh heavily on your mind. The image of the bump in the center of the graves where the bodies are buried may symbolize the presence of unhealed wounds or unresolved issues that continue to affect you.
Overall, this dream may indicate a need to confront and address difficult emotions or past experiences in order to find emotional healing and closure. Seeking support from others, like Rory in the dream, may be crucial in helping you navigate these challenging feelings and situations.